Internationalization and Unicode Tutorial

XenCraft: Your Source for International and Unicode Training

This tutorial, created by Tex Texin a leader in software and Web internationalization, is available to be presented at your site. It can be customized specifically for your organization and its development environment. This is the best way to provide expert training to your development and QA staff, with minimal time away from their projects.

To schedule a tutorial for your staff, contact XenCraft.

AGENDA: Internationalization and Unicode Tutorial

Networking and Objective Setting

Attendees will introduce themselves and state their goals in attending the tutorial. Speakers will introduce themselves and review objectives, customizations, and logistics for the tutorial.

Introduction- What are the business drivers for internationalization?

Technological drivers for Unicode and Internationalization

World Tour: Regional Customs Affecting Software Design and Implementation and Efficient Solutions

Writing Systems Around the World

A survey of languages and writing systems including ideographic, bidirectional, and complex scripts. (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indic, Hebrew, Arabic, and others.)

Models of Character Encoding

Design Decisions

Unicode Algorithms - Part I

Unicode Algorithms - Part II

Migration Techniques

Unicode on the Wire

Unicode in Programming Languages

Localization with Unicode

Tools, Globalization Management Systems (GMS), translation memory supporting Unicode

Unicode and Real World issues