XenCraft Expertise

XenCraft has special skills and experience that can help you overcome particularly difficult or unusual problems. We love a challenge and correcting troubled projects. Contact us for help with internationalization, Unicode or code pages, Progress Software products or applications, localization, business globalization, project management, international testing, e-business, web standards and best practices, and product strategy and communications.

Internationalization Engineering

We can assist you in creating applications that dynamically change user interface language or are inherently multilingual or multinational. XenCraft has created applications for every part of the world, but also has significant experience in the Asian markets, particularly CJK and CJKT (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Taiwan) applications and Thai.  XenCraft expertise includes most programming languages, databases, and application servers. We are experienced in web (HTML, XML, CSS, HTTP, WAI, WAP, Javascript, etc.), client-server and n-tier configurations on most of the major platforms (e.g. Windows,  Unix, IBM AS400).

Unicode and Code pages

XenCraft has particular expertise in code page architectures, having worked with a large number of them. XenCraft can help you migrate applications to leverage additional code pages (double-byte, multi-byte, and bidirectional character sets) and/or the Unicode Character Standard (ISO 10646). XenCraft is familiar with the most recent character set and code page requirements of many governments, including GB18030 for China, and code pages supporting the Euro for the European markets and several used in specific verticals (e.g. Teletext ISO 6937).

Progress Software

A particular specialty of XenCraft is providing internationalization and localization support of Progress Software applications, with over 9 years of continuous experience with Progress Software. XenCraft also develops and markets add-on solutions to Progress Software products, such as the XenCraft Unicode Collation for Progress.

No one has more expertise in Progress Software internationalization architecture or localization tools and methodologies (using Progress Translation Manager or Progress Dynamics) than XenCraft.

Presentations from recent Progress Exchange conferences are available on the XenCraft News and Resources page.


XenCraft can assist you with translation and localization of applications and documentation. XenCraft is not a translation company. We partner with many localization companies around the world. XenCraft can help you with sizing localization projects, preparing software and documentation for economical localization, vendor selection, project management, and tool selection and implementation (Globalization Management Systems, Translation Memory, Automated Translation, et al.)

XenCraft can create an efficient localization strategy for you and implement it so that you have a low cost of entry into new markets and a reduced time to market.

Business Globalization

XenCraft has helped a number of companies create and execute strategies for globalizing their business. We can explain to you what it takes to enter new markets, help you prepare a business plan for identifying appropriate regional markets, identify potential distributors or partners, and modify existing products for those markets. We can also recommend ways to enter regional markets at very low cost via the web and application service providers.

Project Management

XenCraft can manage software development and localization projects for you. We have experience managing large teams as well as internationally distributed teams. We specialize in cross-cultural communications and can help you close gaps and build relations among distributed groups.

International Testing and Assessment

XenCraft can help you plan, design and implement tests for your international applications that will ferret out problems with international or localized data, early in the development cycle. Early detection saves you from costly, delaying rewrites and expensive translation processes.  Catching problems early also trains development personnel to code for globalization correctly before they have a chance to repeatedly spread incorrect code snippets and templates. With our expertise in internationalization and code pages, we can create tests that focus on likely problem areas and save you from creating expansive, broad tests that are resource intensive and time-consuming to create and run.

e-Business, Web Standards and Best Practices

XenCraft can migrate your host-based or client-server applications to the web. We can align your existing e-business applications with current standards and best practices for the web. Be certain that your applications are compatible with multiple browsers and versions, accessibility requirements (e.g. Section 508), internationalization recommendations (e.g. Character model for the World Wide Web) and business regulations (e.g. privacy).

Product Strategy and Communications

XenCraft can work with your senior management, key customers, distributors and sales force to develop and refine market requirements and architect product solutions to meet those requirements. XenCraft can create product strategies for your domestic or global markets. XenCraft can also assist you with internal and external communications of your product strategy to gain buy-in and create demand.

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