Tutorial: Internationalization on the World Wide Web

Tutorial: Internationalization on the World Wide Web
Duration: ½ day
Target Audience: Managers and project leaders at software companies

To be successful, managers and executives of software companies need to understand today how globalization of the web will impact their product design and begin to plan accordingly.

To prepare you for these challenges, XenCraft's tutorial on Web Internationalization is designed especially for managers at software companies. This ½ day session will help you understand how your company needs to adapt to meet global requirements such as:

  • avoiding data corruption over the Internet,
  • enhancing customer satisfaction by delivering information in a user's native language, and
  • supporting data, user interface and reports in multiple languages.

The tutorial will cover technical and strategic issues designed to give you an understanding of the global Web environment.

Topics to be covered include:

User Interfaces – address cultural differences when using graphics, date and time formats, number and currency formats, title and address formats, sound, color and more.

Text Handling – learn techniques to address different alphabets and writing rules.

Infrastructure and Source Management Processes – understand source code structure, modularization and localization.

World Wide Web – learn about internationalization topics specific to Internet technologies such as HTTP, HTML and XML.

XenCraft tutorials that can be provided at your site specifically for your staff. They can be easily customized for your development environment and tools, The tutorials can focus on your target regional markets or be appropriate for audiences targeting worldwide usage and deployment.